How to Teach Note Taking in Chemistry

In our slide drenched classrooms where we post our PowerPoints and Prezis to our Google classrooms, students always have access to our notes. So, students think that they do not need to take notes since they have constant access to information. Some of my students have even said they have teachers that say not to take notes because they can get it online later.

​I haven't investigated, but I hope that isn't the case.

I was helping a student this week and I said, "Let me see your notes and I'll show you..." What I was saw was a bunch of scattered words on a piece of paper with no cohesion and thought process behind them. We harp about taking good notes, but let me ask you, have you ever taught a class how to take notes?

​I haven't until now. Do you want to know what I learned?

Ease into the Lesson with Salt

Explain to your students that in order for your brain to store more information, you must process it as many times as you can.

Read it or listened to it-processed information once
Then, wrote it down as notes-processed information twice
Used notes to answer homework questions-processed information three times!

Notice there is no access it via Google Drive. :)

Add the Masses and Draw the Elements

When we teach off a PowerPoint, they need to write down what is on the slide, along with your explanations. They can write it down during or after class, but they need to write it.

Raise the Stakes with a Polyatomic Ion

Here is the most important part for math and science classes especially. Teach the students to draw arrows from step to step.

Why did you divide in that step? What is produced in this step that is necessary for the next step?

What does this scientific cycle need this step? Where does that stuff come from?

Teach them to draw arrows.

​ Teach them to write down their questions.

Once Students Are Confident, Raise the Bar

TLast, here is how I structure a 50 minute lesson around this idea.

5 minutes-Settle Down/Roll call, house keeping issues

5 minutes-Explain that today we are learning how to take notes, there will be a mini lecture and they are to take notes. Either do a mini lecture yourself or show a video. I suggest you do something simple that they are likely to already know.

10 minutes-mini lecture

10 minutes-peer review notes

10 minutes-Project your notes for them to see or pass out a copy.

10 minutes-Walk around the room and give feedback and take a completion grade.

Now, you can officially hold them accountable for their crappy notes!


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