
Want an Easier Way to Teach Chemistry?

Learnings, teachings, tips & tricks for teachers to reference when you’ve heard “I don’t get it.” and “Where do those numbers come from?” 327 times a day. After implementing these ideas, you’ll get fewer mind numbing questions and see a lot more “Aha!” moments.

Quantum Coscine Creative Quantum Coscine Creative

A Fun Way to Teach Quantum Numbers

Are you looking for a fun, no prep demonstration or activity for your high school chemistry students to learn the meaning of quantum numbers? Students will think you are a genius magician after this activity.

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Coscine Creative Coscine Creative

5 Easy and Essential Steps to Teaching Empirical Formula

Students love when you give them steps to solving math problems in chemistry class. It also helps you see where they are struggling. Finding the empirical formula can be difficult for high school chemistry students, but these steps make it easy to teach and learn.

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Quantum Coscine Creative Quantum Coscine Creative

How Do You Teach Electron Configuration?

If you are looking for a fun analogy that keeps high school students interested while you teach them electron configuration, you’re in the right place. A race car will help students start off and keep going in the right direction.

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